Namitha the glamour queen of Tamil filmdom is all set to storm Kannada film industry also. Her latest Kannada movie, ‘Neelakanda’ is said to be a hit and she has been offered a film in Kannada with young hero Darshan. Namitha is shortly planning to enter Malayalam films. Namitha has bagged a film opposite Sundar C named ‘Perumal’ and ‘Azhagiya Tamizh Magan’ with Vijay. Namitha also has ‘Billa 2007’ with Ajit and ‘Kettavan’ with Simbu, both super heroes of Tamil. Her latest film in Tamil ‘Njan Avanillai’ is a hit. Namitha recently had an altercation with Parthiban for the poor script of Tamil film ‘Pachakuthirai’ where she was portrayed as just a glamour doll.
- tamil kama kathaikal
- Tamil ool kathaigal
- telugu sex stories
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